We live in a very stressful world and have been reminded over and over that too much tension can lead to chronic illnesses and abuse. Instead of immediately turning to drugs instead learn a simple techniques of yoga and Meditation.

The program offers valuable guidance on adjusting and
improving the personal working environment, utilizing the traveling time for
happiness and peace.
Computer professionals, continuous work at desk, BPO employees
and people who do not get opportunity to move the joint and muscles of body
much find office yoga a very useful program in releasing the tensions and
stress of the physical, muscular and mental body.
Yoga program involves basically Physical movements and
stretches, Breathing practices, Relaxation, and Meditation techniques which are
derived from some of the basic yogic techniques and underlying principles of
yoga and are suitably applied to the need of the working life.
Corporate yoga allows the practitioner to personally intervene reversing the vicious cycle of stress and anxiety into virtuous cycles of happiness, health and peace.